Trip Planning Lunch and Dinner

Trip Planning Lunch and Dinner

Well plan D it is, and very thankful for that. Thankful to the weather and friends for making this weekend happen.We are now the day before departure and the final food to sort of lunch and dinner. For me, lunch is somewhere between the size or breakfast and dinner....
Trip Planning Snacks

Trip Planning Snacks

We are now another day closer to the planned weekend trip and plan A is officially cancelled. Not much you can do about the weather and people’s availability (or lack thereof). But, I am still trying to get plan D to go ahead. Anyway, I’m still getting on with my food...
Trip Planning Breakfast

Trip Planning Breakfast

I have more than just my fingers and toes crossed that my planned trip to Arthur’s Pass goes ahead this weekend. Sunday’s forecast is looking less than ideal but I have plan B and C in the wings.I‘m the kind of tramper that gets organised in stages. Stage 1 is always...
Mt Guy Mid Canterbury

Mt Guy Mid Canterbury

Sometimes the weather is great, sometimes not so great, then there are the times that you look at the forecast and decide to just go anyway. Last weekend was one of these occasions.The week began with the first day of spring, followed by a substantial snow fall that...
Mt Winterslow (almost)

Mt Winterslow (almost)

It’s been a few years since I have set foot on the flanks of Mt Winterslow, but time passes quickly and it’s always good to get a different perspective. A number of years ago, I was still a new member of the local tramping club and eager to experience my big new back...
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