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Kakahu Track Geraldine

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt” John Muir

Location: 12 km from Geraldine, South Canterbury

Distance: 8km

Time: 3 hours

On a day when the weather in the hills from threatening to be quite unpleasant, I still felt the need to get out and do something. So after a few suggestions had been canned due to the weather forecast the suggestion of the Kakahu Track came up. I have heard of this place but never been, even though it is only an hour from home.

To get to the start of the track, take the road from Geraldine to Fairlie, the Kakahu Bush is sign posted along here, and then follow this shingle road until you reach an old lime kiln.

The track is fairly easy, with a couple of hills along the way. Initially the track follows an old tramline that runs beside a steam. This would make a lovely trip in the midst of summer when there would be many opportunities to have a dip in the cool water.

Eventually the track comes to an open clearing and the site of an old sanitarium, can’t help but think there would be worse places to be locked up. From here, the track does climb. It is all in the bush until you eventually leave the bush and are on top of the hill. The views from here are quite commanding, you can see all the way to Burkes Pass and beyond.

Carrying on from here, the track re-enters the bush for a steep down, before climbing up a short steep section. The effort here is well worth it as you are climbing to the viewpoint on top of the rock pinnacles.

From here you could choose to return the way you had come, or you could carry on and complete the circuit. I doubt there would be any time difference in which ever option you choose. I tend to prefer circuits so you are guaranteed to see different things.

As the track descends from the viewpoint, it re-enters the bush and eventually rejoins the track just above the site of the old sanitarium.

And since you are only 12km from Geraldine, it makes perfect sense to tie this trip in with a late lunch at Barkers Foodstore and Eatery.